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There's still some hope!

My daughter texted me this week. If you know my daughter, you know that she does not really like to text or send photos so i was surprised to see the notification come through on my phone from her. A little back story ... on Mother's day my family took me to Lowe's to pick out a plant for my front garden area. I am, by no means, a gardener and while I do not have a green thumb I do like to dabble in pretty flowers when springtime arrives. I always look for low maintenance plants (because if we are being honest i don't really have a lot of time to spend on them) I just need to be able to water and go. As we were walking thru the aisles and aisles of flowering bushes and potted greenery, a certain colorful arrangement caught my eye. Now, I cannot tell you what kind of flowers they are, but they were so pretty! Bright pink flowers, deep purple and white flower mixture overflowing with blossoms. It was the one I had to have so I hoisted the pot into my cart and off we went to check out. When we got home my daughter and I found the perfect spot for it right outside my front steps. After reading the " how to" card that came with the plant I figured this spot had just enough sun and I could easily water and tend to it. Now fast forward a little.... after weeks and weeks of taking care of my Mother's Day flowers, they just kept looking worse and worse... I did everything just like it was written on the maintenance tag, so I didn't understand. All the other flowers in my flower bed were thriving, blooming and blossoming... but this one plant just hated me. Every time we pulled in the driveway, I would walk over and examine all the flowers. I would then come to this plant, and it just looked awful. Finally, after trying so hard to get it to come back, I decided it was dead and I felt defeated. So now back to my daughter's surprising text.... I opened it up and it was a simple line of words:"There's still some hope! ". And right above that was a pic of my "dead" plant with just a few new purple flower blooms. I couldn't help but smile.

Isn't it awesome how God can use even the smallest things to speak to us? He used my Mother's Day gift to remind me of his promises. The Lord said to me: " When the weight of the world is pushing down on you... You just keep pushing back, I want you to know that there is hope. When anxiety is eating away at your branches and you can hardly hold up the fruit, I want you to know there is hope. When you feel just like that little plant, no matter how hard you work, you feel "dead" I will raise up a bloom to give you hope!"

In His hope, there is rest for the tired, peace for the unsteady, and love beyond what you can imagine. So give it to God and don't give up! Just look for Him daily and he will show Himself to you. I promise, you will see His beautiful flower blooming just for you.

"Oh I must find rest in God only, because my hope comes from Him! Only God is my rock and salvation-my Stronghold- I will not be shaken. Psalm62:5-6

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